新品開發 New product development-水果果蓋 Mousse Syrup


搖茶飲料近來在全球不斷曝光,台灣茶飲文化蔚然成為飲料界一股龐大商機旋風,在各家新進品牌如春筍般不斷地投入市場下,尋求開發新創產品成為獨家供應的領頭羊便能保有高關注與高毛利表現。合聖食品提供客製化服務並與多家手搖茶品牌合作下研發各式飲品,在健康意識與提升口感中尋求平衡,以奶蓋茶發想,研發各式水果風味果蓋飲。我們選擇了幾種具備台灣特色並適合調茶的水果 : 芒果、百香果、草莓及柳橙- 特別適合在澀口的茶中挹注一抹霓虹酸甜。

Syrup and fruit are having an epic party! Recently, tea drinking around the globe has caused the Taiwanese tea culture to have huge business opportunities. Various brands are looking forward to attracting global customers attention and earning high profits from this Blue Ocean Market. Hesheng provides customized service and develops new products with tea stalls or tea shops. We hold the trend of the market, with the awakening health conscience gradually being art of their lives. An idea suddenly jumped out of our mind, a combination of fruit foam layered on top of tea. We makes some adjustment from the milk float. We select famous Taiwanese fruits to make it into a foam tea such as mango, passion fruit, strawberry and orange. And guess what? Mixing the concentrate with fragrant tea will make you emerge in the whole new world. Fruit foam tea is actually delicious, and you should drink some now. Please check out the details below.



How to make fruit foam topping syrup



Step 1 :Regarding the products of fruit foam, shake before use. We generally do 1 part fruit foam to 1.5 cold water. According to your preferred taste, you can also do 1 to 1. Then mixing until combined.


Step 2:Use the Milk Frother or Electric Mixer to whisk the fruit foam until it reaches the desired frothiness.


Step 3 :Slowly introduce the fruit foam into tea. Then before you’re ready to drink, just stir together to mix the ingredients.