百香果果漿 – Passion Fruit Syrup

原料 Material

百香果果漿 Passion Fruit Syrup

蜂蜜風味糖漿 Honey-flavored Syrup

綠茶 Green Tea

冰塊 Ice Cube

步驟 Step

1. 倒入適當百香果果漿 Pour some passion fruit syrup

2. 再倒入適當的蜂蜜糖漿 Add some honey-flavored syrup

3. 加入綠茶  Add the green tea

4. 加入冰塊混和搖勻 Add some ice cube and shake it

5. 最後加入氣跑水可讓口感更好 Some sparkling water would make it better