Mojito糖漿 – Mojito Syrup

原料 Material

薄荷 Mint

檸檬 Lemon

Mojito糖漿 Mojito Syrup

步驟 Step

1. 將檸檬切片、切塊備用 Slice some lemon to be prepared

2. 加入一小杯的Mojito糖漿 Pour a cup of Mojito syrup

3. 將檸檬擠出汁放入 Squeeze some lemon juice to mojito syrup

4. 輕拍薄荷使其味道出來即可 Slap a leaf of mint, make the aroma diffuse

5. 加入冰塊 Add some ice cube

6. 再加入氣泡水 Pour the sparkling water

7. 輕輕攪拌均勻即可 Stir it gently